Activities in the Workbooks
In each Workbooks the children will have an opportunity to:
- learn how to hold a pencil correctly
- practise writing their name
- follow lines to practise their pencil skills
- practise letter writing
- practise beginning sounds and that will develop into middle and end sounds as the children work their way through the books.
- join lower-case letters to capitals
- learn new words
- practise reading
- play a game
- complete a colouring-in page
- make a bookmark
- take part in activities
- learn about sentences
- learn about punctuation
- play a punctuation game
- practise using punctuation
- practise writing numbers
- learn new words
- practise reading
- play a game
- make a bookmark
- learn about subjects and predicates
- play a dot-to-dot game
- write the missing letters of the alphabet
- learn about alliteration
- learn about categories
- learn about speech marks
- fill in some speech bubbles
- add labels to a picture
- follow instructions
- check silly sentences
- say if the statements are true or false
- match numbers to written numbers
- match the correct ending to sentences
- fill out a section all about you
- follow instructions
- practise putting things into categories
- learn about conjunctions
- colour in part of a picture
- practise writing
- learn about syllables
- learn about rhyming
- learn about poems
- read a story
- answer questions about the story
- learn about animals and their babies and answer questions
- practise conversation skills
- do some drawing
- read a short story and answer questions
- practise handwriting
- practise spelling
- practise the alphabet sequence
- learn about nouns and adjectives
- learn about verbs and adverbs
- make a funny sentence
- learn about prefixes, roots, and suffixes
- learn about vowels and consonants
- find out about compound words
- learn about different types of nouns
- find out about -ing words
- learn about phrases and clauses
- learn about compound sentences
- learn about dependent and independent clauses
- learn about subordinating conjunctions
- learn about coordinating conjunctions
- learn about prepositions
- turn singular words into plural words
- learn about contracted words
- learn more about capital letters
- learn about apostrophes
- have fun with nonsense words
- have fun with a secret language
- match descriptions to pictures
- recognise types of non-fiction
- read the story of Cinderella
- look at the different parts of the stories
- retell the story of Cinderella
- read the story of Ember
- read a story about The Courageous Kids
- write what happens next in the story
- learn about different types of stories
- look at different book covers
- create your own book
- practise handwriting
- learn about there, their and they’re
- learn about homophones
- learn about figurative language
- check that sentences make sense
- Read about Goldilocks and then read her diary
- write your own diary
- retell the story of Goldilocks
- learn about comparatives and superlatives
- learn about onomatopoeia
- read a letter
- write your own letter
- write a book review
- have fun with a funny story game
- practise spellings
- play a funny sentence game
- play the dice game
- and lots more!